What way of viewing and understanding ourselves does Paul caution against?  (12:3)  Why?

What way of viewing and understanding ourselves does Paul commend and exhort us to?  (12:3)  Why?

What are some ways that pride can manifest itself in our lives?

How can we work to overcome pride and cultivate humility in our hearts and lives?

How does the message of the gospel serve to undercut pride in our hearts and lives?

How can the church help us to overcome pride and cultivate humility in our lives?

What does Paul mean when he says that God has assigned “a measure of faith” to each person in the church?  (12:3)

According to Paul, how is the church (the body of Christ) similar to the human body?  (12:4-5)  What can we learn about the church from the way the human body functions and operates?

What are the spiritual gifts that Paul identifies in 12:6-8?  (List them, and define each of them.)  How do they compare (and contrast) with the other places in the New Testament where Paul mentions spiritual gifts?  (1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, and Ephesians 4:11)

What do you perceive to be your own spiritual gifts?  What would others say about you?